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Group News and Updates
New Leaders Wanted!
We are looking for new adult leaders to join our existing team. If you are over 18 years old and would like to know more, please get in touch. You don't need to have had previous experience in Scouting, just energy and enthusiasm.
Your local Scout Group needs you!
News: News
Volunteering in Scouting
Prepare for Adventure!
What can Scouting do for me?
Our adult volunteers get just as much from Scouting as young people.
As well as helping young people to enjoy the adventure of Scouting, you also get the opportunity to try a whole range of different activities and new experiences.
We can also help you develop your current skills and learn new ones. Volunteering in Scouting can enhance your CV or simply allow you to pursue your interest in a specific hobby.

News: Feature
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